Power BI Training from taod Consulting

Dashboard Design Guide

Best practices for data visualization

Guidelines for the design of dashboards

Tips for UX-optimized design


Why the design of your dashboards is important for the success of your data analysis

By visualizing and contextualizing data, engaging and effective stories can be told with numbers. In this way, fact-based findings are strongly emotionalized and remain in the memory of the recipient more impressively than confusing and boring columns of numbers could ever achieve.

Therefore, a dashboard without design will not serve its purpose well. The design of the dashboard plays a central role because it creates clarity and strengthens trust in data. The better a dashboard is designed, the more meaningful, clearer and easier it is to use and derive information.

Our white paper explains the most important basics for successfully designing dashboards and shows helpful best practices.

Business intelligence and self-service BI tools are used to gain insights into a company's own data. This is used to develop a business strategy based on the processed data, and the two tools Tableau and Microsoft Power BI are considered pioneers in this field. Both applications offer a wide range of options for data analysis and data visualization and quickly lead to new insights.

Many companies therefore ask themselves which tool is more suitable. In our white paper, we compare the most important functions and aspects of the two applications and show ways to make a decision.
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