Power BI Training from taod Consulting

Tableau vs. Power BI

Comparison of the two BI tools

All differences at a glance

Functions and costs in comparison

Business intelligence and self-service BI tools are used to gain insights into a company's own data. This is used to develop a business strategy based on the processed data, and the two tools Tableau and Microsoft Power BI are considered pioneers in this field. Both applications offer a wide range of options for data analysis and data visualization and quickly lead to new insights.

Many companies therefore ask themselves which tool is more suitable. In our white paper, we compare the most important functions and aspects of the two applications and show ways to make a decision.
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Whitepaper Tableau vs. Power BI

Duel of the BI giants

We send Power BI and Tableau into the ring, because in the end there can only be one technology solution for you. Use our decision matrix for functions to recognize the most important differences between the analytics tools, get the passionate expert opinion in the consultants' duel and think not only about BI - but also about a solid data warehouse. This white paper will start your journey through the fascinating world of data. Find out now which tool will take you to the top.

Tableau in 5 minutes

Complex analyses & comprehensive visualizations

Our Tableau training courses provide you with extensive knowledge for your daily work with the visual analytics platform. Using your data and use cases, we will show you how to create modern and understandable data visualizations in the form of dashboards, reports or reports in Tableau, even as a beginner.

Power BI in 5 minutes

Individual reports & intuitive dashboards

Whether for beginners or advanced projects: With your individual Power BI training, we accompany you on your first steps into the world of data analysis and visualize your dashboards in Power BI together with you. We avoid monotonous Power BI training in one-to-many mode.