We design your training exactly how it suits you. With your data, your use case and tailored to your requirements.
In our training courses, we teach you all the skills you need for your day-to-day work with data in a compact and interactive format. Our coaches are data consultants with practical experience and incorporate their project experience into the training sessions by providing clear examples and, if desired, using specific use cases from your company.
19 Coaches
3 Locations
280+ Trainings
19 Coaches
3 Locations
6 Tools
280+ Trainings
Everyone knows the didactic nightmare: frontal training meets Power Point battle. That's why we've made it our mission to provide training courses that focus on you and your requirements. So that you no longer need training as soon as possible.
Find out in our case study how we taught the teams at Vodafone, Siemens and Coca Cola how to work confidently with data.
The BI & Breakfast is a bite of bread, a bite of data, always in rotation. A full 60 minutes of enablement and burning questions about data analytics once a month.
This white paper will help you and your company to build your data strategy and be successful with analytics.
There is a lot to tell about our training sessions. You can find the most important in our FAQ. If you have any further questions, simply write us a message or give us a call.