You make the best decisions when you have all the information. Here you will find everything you need to know about our training courses.
No good training without good questions. But we don't want to wait until the training session to answer your questions. That's why you'll find everything you need to know about our training courses here. Click through the individual topics. You can also call us or send us a message at any time.
And if you need a short consultation about a suitable training course, simply use our calendar service:
Before it starts, questions arise: How many people can take part? Is prior knowledge necessary? What content will be covered? Simply send us your inquiry and we will clarify everything in a preliminary discussion, from the basics to the fine details of individual customization and suitable dates.
Wir geben in der Regel geschlossene Gruppen-Trainings, so dass ihr mit eurem Team ein Trainings belegt. Das heißt, der Fokus liegt komplett bei euch und euren Anforderungen. Um auf jedes Lerntempo eingehen zu können, empfehlen wir pro Training maximal 10 Personen einzuplanen.
As classroom training, the training can take place at your desired location or site as in-house training. Or at our training room in Cologne-Ehrenfeld. Alternatively, we also offer all training courses remotely via Microft Teams in a virtual classroom.
A training day consists of 8 hours of training including breaks. Most of our training courses last two days. Face-to-face training courses are held over two days of eight hours each. Remote trainings are usually divided into four blocks. However, if you prefer a different division, we will try to make this possible.
We try to ensure that your training takes place promptly and preferably on your preferred date. We have no fixed dates and plan your training according to your preferred dates and our internal resources.
Whether you have previous knowledge or not is not decisive for group training. As long as all participants have at least a similar level of knowledge, our coaches adapt the pace of learning to the individual participants.
In addition to our tried-and-tested standard modules and a logical basic structure, there is room for individual content and customization. In a detailed preliminary discussion, we will clarify the focal points that will help you make the best progress with the selected training.
If possible and desired, we integrate the use of your data into the training exercises. This means that you will receive usable results for your project during the training.
All our coaches are data consultants with project experience. With a solution-oriented approach, they are able to respond to questions that arise during training. Instead of frontal teaching, they always ensure a lively exchange between coach and participants.
Whether remote training, at your location or in our training room in Cologne Ehrenfeld: practical experience is the top priority in our training sessions. That's why all training sessions depend on your active participation and your drive to discover the tool and its functions. But what does a training day look like? How is the content taught and what else is there to know?
Remote training sessions usually start at 9 am on the four training days and run until 1 pm. There is a break about halfway through or as required.
Face-to-face training usually also starts at 9 a.m. and ends at 5 p.m., but can also be scheduled differently if required. After a welcome and getting to know each other, the training starts straight away. Divided into subject areas and a good mix of compact theory and exciting practice, participants learn through interactive exercises.
All participants need a laptop. You will also receive a free trial version of the respective tool for the training. We hold remote training sessions via the Adobe Connect meeting software. Before the training, all participants will receive a link to the training by email.
In addition to the necessary theoretical parts, there are numerous practical exercises in which you learn to master the tool. You and your questions are an essential part of the training. We always try to create a trusting environment that gives everyone room to learn at their own pace.
During training sessions in our training room in Cologne-Ehrenfeld, we will provide you with drinks and snacks during the training days. Catering with hot meals is available during the lunch breaks on both days.
After the training, you will not only receive the training documentation and your certificate of participation. Our expertise goes beyond the training. As a consulting agency, we offer you the full range of data services. No matter what the next step in your data journey is.
After the training, all participants receive a certificate issued by us confirming their participation and the skills they have learned. We are not permitted to issue official certificates from software manufacturers.
Of course, our coaches make the training content and presentations available to all participants so that they can follow up on what they have learned. Including detailed documentation of all sample solutions for the exercises worked on.
Even after the training, questions may arise in your project for which our data experts are available. In our coaching sessions in particular, you have your own consultant at your side in 1:1 sessions who is available as a sparring partner for your project.
To further develop the skills you have learned, there are more advanced training courses and modules in our portfolio. As your training partner, we help you to gradually expand your skillset.
To stay up to date, we recommend our BI newsletters. They provide you with a compact monthly overview of new features and tips and tricks in the various BI tools. You are also always welcome at our community events, such as the monthly "BI & Breakfast".
Just send us a message with your questions and some information about your desired training. We will get back to you as soon as possible.